Superannuation Archives - Page 3 of 11 - MGD


In our library, you will find the latest financial news, valuable insights and ideas, tips and tricks we've learnt over the years and other helpful educational pieces.


Tired of paying rent? You could consider buying your business premises in an SMSF

11 December 2020
You run a successful business, you are already contributing the maximum deductible amount into your superannuation, and each year, you pay a significant amount of rent for your business premises to your landlord. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could buy your own business premises and pay that rent to yourself?

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Federal Budget 2020 | Overview

7 October 2020
Federal Treasurer, Mr Josh Frydenberg, handed down the 2020/ 21 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEDT) on Tuesday, 6 October 2020. Australia’s economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the form of the original and extended JobKeeper scheme, the cash flow boosts, and the enhanced JobSeeker payment has come at a significant cost, Mr Frydenberg said, resulting in a budget deficit of $213.7b, falling to $66.9b by 2023/ 24. Here is an overview on the announcement.

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Federal Budget 2020 | Superannuation

7 October 2020
Federal Treasurer, Mr Josh Frydenberg, handed down the 2020/ 21 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEDT) on Tuesday, 6 October 2020. Australia’s economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the form of the original and extended JobKeeper scheme, the cash flow boosts, and the enhanced JobSeeker payment has come at a significant cost, Mr Frydenberg said, resulting in a budget deficit of $213.7b, falling to $66.9b by 2023/ 24. The superannuation highlights are set in this post.

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How to construct a portfolio to withstand market volatility and a pandemic

3 September 2020
By Rachel Barlow
No one could have foreseen COVID-19 and its impact on the share market – indeed, it has been a “black swan event”, an “unknown unknown”. However, events like these have happened before; they’ll happen again. In this article, Rachel shares her expertise in constructing a portfolio that is designed to withstand market volatility and black swan events, like the current global pandemic.

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End of financial year planning during COVID-19

8 June 2020
As we approach 30 June, end of financial year planning has become more important than ever. We understand that due to the pandemic, your cash flow and retirement savings may have been severely impacted, your business’s turnover may have decreased substantially, or your regular PAYG instalments (prepaid tax) may have varied. In this paper, we have shared some strategies you may wish to consider.

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SMSF direct property rent relief measures

28 April 2020
The unfolding health, economic and financial crises triggered by Coronavirus (COVID-19) has resulted in increased levels of unemployment and widespread income reduction, a phenomenon which has prompted many tenants to seek assistance from landlords.

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Economic response to the coronavirus

3 April 2020
The Australian Government has begun rolling out a considerable fiscal stimulus package in an effort to support and assist those individuals and businesses that have been negatively impacted by the unfolding Coronavirus (COVID-19) crises. We have collated the key measures announced and will continue to update this as further announcements are made.

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Is your SMSF investment strategy up to date?

1 October 2019
By Andrew Albury
The ATO has recently issued notices to close to 18,000 SMSFs flagged as holding 90% or more of their money in just one asset class. The move comes as the ATO renews its focus on SMSF investment strategy requirements, specifically diversification and liquidity risks.

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Should I make an extra mortgage repayment or contribute more to super?

11 July 2019
By Rachel Barlow
This is a question we’re commonly asked. The answer depends on a number of factors and both options have advantages and disadvantages.

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Super considerations for women

26 June 2019
By Michelle Dall'Alba
Many women take parental leave at some stage in their career, which can have a significant detrimental impact on a woman’s superannuation balance over her working life. It is important that we as women take some proactive steps to get better outcomes for our retirement. There are a number of actions you can take, no matter what age you are...

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An Important EOFY super reminder

26 June 2019
With 30 June only a few days away, a reminder to finalise any outstanding EOFY transactions and be aware of three important considerations, including minimum pensions, contributions and the Federal Government's "Protecting Your Super Package Act".

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What does a woman want?

7 June 2019
By Rachel Barlow
Despite thirty years of research, Freud could not answer “What does a woman want?” Let’s not untangle that mystery! Let’s talk about what studies have shown the main financial goals for women to be, including repaying the mortgage, understanding and contributing to super, retirement planning, improving financial literacy as well as looking after family (children and parents).

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Federal Budget 2019: Super

2 April 2019
The Federal Treasurer, Mr Josh Frydenberg, handed down the 2019/20 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEDT) on 2 April 2019. The budget focuses on “restoring the nation's finances”, further strengthening the economy to create more jobs and to “guarantee the essential services”. The superannuation highlights include...

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A super time of year

31 July 2018
By John Barton
With many SMSFs busy finalising their accounts for 2017-18, now is an ideal time of year for trustees to review their fund's portfolio and investment strategies in line with legal requirements and make the changes required to ensure their fund is compliant and on the right track for the coming year.

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Federal Budget 2018 – Super

8 May 2018
Mr Scott Morrison, the Federal Treasurer, handed down his third Budget on 8 May 2018. Mr Morrison said the Budget is focused on further strengthening the economy to “guarantee the essentials Australians rely on” and “responsibly repair the budget”. The Budget contains a range of measures intended to ensure the integrity of the tax and superannuation system. The super highlights include:

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Tax and super planning for end of financial year

26 April 2018
With 30 June 2018 rapidly approaching, now is the time to review your financial position and consider any tax or super strategies that could boost your retirement savings, maximise Government entitlements, avoid potential penalties and ultimately, reduce your tax payable.

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Understanding downsizer contributions

10 April 2018
In the May 2017 Federal Budget announcement, new legislation was introduced whereby those aged 65 and over will be able to contribute an additional $300,000 into their superannuation upon the sale of their primary residence. These payments are referred to as ‘downsizer’ contributions...

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