Senator: unfair to change super tax policy - MGD
11 February 2016

Well-respected Liberal National Senator Matthew Canavan has today featured in SMSF Adviser responding to speculated changes to superannuation taxation policy. Senator Canavan said it would be unfair to change the tax arrangements for people’s superannuation balances (or their earnings) as many people have contributed to their fund for many years.

Senator Canavan also went on to say, “If we start tinkering with things after they’ve made a decision, after they’ve contributed for many years, it will breed a lack of confidence in the system,” – comments MGD fully support.

For months we have been working to quell the media-fuelled rumour mill on a plethora of ‘proposed’ changes to superannuation legislation and welcome (finally!) this refreshingly sensible and level-headed view on the future of superannuation. The full article can be read on the SMSF Adviser website.

If you have any queries regarding your superannuation, please do not hesitate to contact your Adviser on (07) 3391 5055.

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