In our library, you will find the latest financial news, valuable insights and ideas, tips and tricks we've learnt over the years and other helpful educational pieces.
28 September 2023
By Richard Marsden
For those with an eye on retirement, the 2023 May Federal Budget was important. Superannuation rules became more favourable for most. This article provides insight into two superannuation rule changes to know about and how you and your spouse can maximise your tax-free superannuation benefits.
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11 August 2022
By Richard Marsden
With the significant changes in economic and financial market conditions so far in 2022, having a sound plan is more important than ever so you can stay in control of and on track towards your ideal retirement. This Six-Point Plan is designed to reduce risk, take advantage of opportunities, and retire successfully in uncertain times.
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8 June 2020
As we approach 30 June, end of financial year planning has become more important than ever. We understand that due to the pandemic, your cash flow and retirement savings may have been severely impacted, your business’s turnover may have decreased substantially, or your regular PAYG instalments (prepaid tax) may have varied. In this paper, we have shared some strategies you may wish to consider.
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24 April 2020
On Tuesday, 21 April 2020, we hosted our webinar, "The Human Side of Crisis Management: Helping you support your employees in times of crisis". In the webinar, our presenters, thought leaders in their own fields, shared their insights into how human resource leaders and executives can make a meaningful difference to how their staff cope with financial stress.
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3 April 2020
The Australian Government has begun rolling out a considerable fiscal stimulus package in an effort to support and assist those individuals and businesses that have been negatively impacted by the unfolding Coronavirus (COVID-19) crises. We have collated the key measures announced and will continue to update this as further announcements are made.
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13 September 2019
By Rachel Barlow
This article is the first instalment of a series we have developed on investment fundamentals which we will continue to build out over the coming weeks and months. The issues may be big or small, but ones we consider relevant for everyone, young or old, wealthy or aspiring to be so.
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7 June 2019
By Rachel Barlow
Despite thirty years of research, Freud could not answer “What does a woman want?” Let’s not untangle that mystery! Let’s talk about what studies have shown the main financial goals for women to be, including repaying the mortgage, understanding and contributing to super, retirement planning, improving financial literacy as well as looking after family (children and parents).
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14 January 2019
To help you break the cycle and get a handle on your cash flow so you can hit your personal, business and lifestyle goals in the face of a challenging and volatile future investment environment, we have shared four tips that you can implement today.
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15 January 2018
For those within the critical five years prior to retirement, the potential for investment losses presents a very specific risk: sequencing risk. That risk is where portfolio losses in drawdown accounts can have a very detrimental long-term effect on the longevity of that capital. This whitepaper explains sequencing risk and some of the ways to mitigate it.
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20 December 2017
The investment return outlook is relatively subdued for the next five years following a strong post-GFC rally. This means that now might be an ideal time to take advantage of alternative strategies available to you. So, before diving into 2018 and investing in riskier investments in the hope of gaining those higher returns, now is a good time to consider what other options you have on the table.
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19 April 2017
By John Barton
Hindsight is an incredible thing and what’s more, hindsight brings with it 20/20 vision. When you think about it, of all the people to take advice from, the best person is really you. Or, the ‘older you’ specifically. You know you best.
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